Monday, December 30, 2013

6-10 Weeks Pregnant

Reva and Tim are expecting a baby in July 2014 and this starts the weekly baby bump updates. 

Reva hasn't had too many pregnancy symptoms, she has had the morning sickness, and is tired all the time.

It is also really hard to get the right angle for the picture every week.
Reva has had some cravings like chicken nuggets, and cheese. (Try telling someone pregnant that they can't eat something they are craving)
Reva can't stand the smell of fish! It grosses her out!
Reva hasn't been getting up in the middle of the night yet.
Around weeks 9 and 10 Reva has been getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

We have some gender predictions already, Tim thinks it is a boy, Reva a girl. However, as long as baby is healthy and happy.
Reva is still able to go to the gym and continue loosing weight according to the doctor! 

Also according to the doctor, this will be the most organic baby she has ever delivered!

The doctor also says that she doesn't foresee any issues with this pregnancy! :D
Reva and Tim are really happy to announce this special news and share it with family and friends!

How Big is Baby?

6 weeks: a grain of rice
7 weeks: Blueberry
8 weeks: Raspberry
9 weeks: Grape
10 weeks: Date

Reva had her first ultrasound at 9 weeks and the little baby is doing great! 
Tim and Reva saw the heartbeat and watched it move a lot!
The doctors were trying to take measurements but baby kept moving and giving the doctors a hard time!

Fun Fact: Reva was so nervous the night before the ultrasound, she got little sleep and when she did sleep, something startled her and had to find the source. Tim got up twice that night to make sure nothing was wrong.

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